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Hartblei Company

Tilt, shift, and tilt-shift lenses and adapters, Soviet and Germany vintage cameras, lenses and accessories

Service HARTBLEI and Kiev

Prices are indicative. The master names the final price after inspecting the camera.

The following operations are performed on marketed HARTBLEI 1008 / 1006 and Kiev 88 / 688 cameras:
Fitting an improved shutter braking mechanism for more reliability and longer camera life from $ 50
Reassembling and adjusting shutter speed mechanism for precise shutter operation and exposure times from $ 120
Fitting a tripod plate for more reliable shutter speed mechanism operation when using a tripod from $ 35
Fitting the camera with light-absorbing internal coating for preventing extraneous light from reaching the negative and causing contrast reduction from $ 40
Reassembling and adjusting film advance mechanism and checking frame spacing for smoother film advance from $ 130
Checking magazine light tightness, replacing the frame if needed from $ 35
Calibrating camera body's and magazine's working distance and relative position for body and magazine interchangeability from $ 110
Checking lens alignment, sharpness, aperture operation and focusing from $ 120
Complete camera inspection and serviceability test from $ 140
The following operations are performed on marketed Kiev 60 / 456 cameras:
Adjusting shutter speeds for precise shutter operation and exposure times from $ 60
Adjusting film advance mechanism and checking frame spacing from $ 70
Fitting the camera body with light-absorbing internal coating from $ 40
Checking lens alignment, sharpness, aperture operation and focusing from $ 120
Checking prism viewfinder and performing light gauging control and adjustment from $ 80
Complete camera inspection and serviceability test from $ 125